18 - 24 month baby growth, development and milestones
Kids are truly Gods gift. There's so much to cherish about them. Every kid is different and unique in their own way. Toddlers are when they start walking around 1 year to 3 years. Its a great phase for their cognitive, physical and various skill development. My lil one took her first few steps during her 10months , and many a activities like running, talking few words, scribbling started by 1 year . 18 months (1year 6month) Mostly babies can repeat all the words, mine one repeats all the words we speak. Took her to the swimming pool, she enjoyed water a lot, splashing it while she was sitting on pool stairs. She was uncomfortable if I carried her in water, as her feet was not on ground. By now, she knows all the colors which we introduced to her. Knows most of the body parts , Knows all the objects/ pictures in her books. Sings 'Rain Rain go away' and 'Twinkle lil star', 'Ba ba black sheep. Most of the kids are crazy after animals and so is mine. ...