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30 - 36 months toddler milestones

Kids growth and behavior can be put in stages like between  12-18 months  or between  2-to-2 and a half years .  30months (2years 6months) Kids can start arranging and solving the puzzles with bit of our help. Few kids are really interested in puzzles wherein few till many years also not interested in it. Every kids have different talent and different interest. 31months (2years 7months) My lil one is now out of that baby zone, as she talks full fledgedly though few words are hard to understand.  Few days she makes good shapes out of blocks, And always ready to try whatever comes her way. Somehow she has been a daring one since starting, go near monkeys or run after lizards, walk on thin strips like big kids double her age. Kids learn both positive as well as negative seeing activities of others. One negative thing she has learnt is sometimes hitting and getting angry. 32months (2years 8months) This was an aggressive phase , possessive about what they want they want, can hit for what