Labour is the final stage or can say end result of your 9months of pregnancy phase. Labour Diet: Many prefer to have Almond milk or a glass of milk with ghee before going to the hospital. Have something light if you are hungry like Sago, glucose biscuits, beaten rice, toast jam- means have carbs and avoid fat and protein. You can also sip water with sugar/ glucose/ honey mixed in it. Even can have mishri, toffee, sweets for energy. If you don't feel like eating then don't, just listen to your body. Avoid Tea, coffee, nimbupani before going for labour. For me, I had my proper dinner at night and then after an hour at 11:30pm we left for hospital, as my doc asked me to get induced for I was 1 week overdue. Luckily there was no need to be induced, it all went naturally. In morning at hospital, they provided me with breakfast, so just to gain bit energy ;P I ate a hard boiled egg, a toast and soy milk. Sign before Labour: Thick mucus discharge of wh...