
Places to visit nearby Deoghar

Places Near around Baidyanathdham Deoghar Baidhyanathdham Deoghar is a beautiful small city based in Jharkhand state of India. There are few places to go around Deoghar for 2-3days.  Basukinath Basukinath is located 43km from B.Deoghar. The pilgrimage of Deoghar is considered to be incomplete without paying homage to Basukinath temple. Famous for Shiva temple. Rikhia Yogasharam It is very famous for Yoga and place of spiritual practice of Swami Satyananda Saraswati. He came to Rikhia in September, 1989 and bagan long and arduous sadhanas like 'Panchagni' the ritual of five fires. Many a tourists specially come to Rikhia to learn and practice Yogasanas. Massanjore Dam This place is just amazing with broad river and mountains. It's 98 km from Deoghar, across the Mayurakshi River, in Dumka district. It was commissioned in 1956. The dam is 155 ft high and 2170 ft long, it has a huge reservoir with great storage capacity. Get your own vehicle...


Labour is the final stage or can say end result of your 9months of pregnancy phase. Labour Diet: Many prefer to have Almond milk or a glass of milk with ghee before going to the hospital. Have something light if you are hungry like Sago, glucose biscuits, beaten rice, toast jam- means have carbs and avoid fat and protein. You can also sip water with sugar/ glucose/ honey mixed in it. Even can have mishri, toffee, sweets for energy. If you don't feel like eating then don't, just listen to your body. Avoid Tea, coffee, nimbupani before going for labour. For me, I had my proper dinner at night and then after an hour at 11:30pm we left for hospital, as my doc asked me to get induced for I was 1 week overdue. Luckily there was no need to be induced, it all went naturally. In morning at hospital, they provided me with breakfast, so just to gain bit energy ;P I ate a hard boiled egg, a toast and soy milk. Sign before Labour: Thick mucus discharge of wh...

3rd trimester Pregnancy

Pregnancy Pregnancy is a different experience for different girls. For few its just so smooth whereas for few it must be a nightmare. But I must say, have patience, don't take tension, Stay positive, and of course when the end result comes you will feel content.  For many a people/ countries - Glucose test happens in case sugar level was high. Tetanus injection is given in India. In Malaysia, tetanus is not advised, if someone wants then inform your doctors and they will give. Must do: Sit down, try to do max of your work sitting down. Do regular house work like swipping and mopping of your house. Apply nourishing oil/ Creams in tummy, tigh and breast to prevent stretch marks like Coconut oil, Bio oil, Palmers shea cocoa butter. Always sleep on left side, Do not sleep on your tummy/ backside. start sleeping on your side-Try putting a pillow or wedge under your belly, behind your back, and between your legs while you're lying on your side. Buy matern...

Vietnam - Travel, Visa, Culture, Currency

A Special Trip to Vietnam Vietnam is the country located in the eastern part of South East Asia touching its border to Cambodia, Laos and China. In past Vietnam has gone through the major war with United States in mid-20th century. Vietnam can be mainly divided into: North, Central and South Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh City (republic and corporate city) in south is the country's largest city, Hanoi (oldest city) in north being the second largest city and Da Nang (newly developed) in Central is the third largest city in the country. Visa : For many Countries, Tourist Visa is free like Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Germany, Russia, United Kingdom and few others.  Though for Indian passport holders, they need a pre-approval letter of invite beforehand itself. You can opt for e-visa for a month or 3 month. Can use Vietnam Visa pro for online visa application. Carry visa-on-arrival pre-approval papers, 2passport size photos and cash (USD/ ...