3rd trimester Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a different experience for different girls. For few its just so smooth whereas for few it must be a nightmare. But I must say, have patience, don't take tension, Stay positive, and of course when the end result comes you will feel content.
For many a people/ countries -
- Glucose test happens in case sugar level was high.
- Tetanus injection is given in India. In Malaysia, tetanus is not advised, if someone wants then inform your doctors and they will give.
Must do:
- Sit down, try to do max of your work sitting down.
- Do regular house work like swipping and mopping of your house.
- Apply nourishing oil/ Creams in tummy, tigh and breast to prevent stretch marks like Coconut oil, Bio oil, Palmers shea cocoa butter.
- Always sleep on left side, Do not sleep on your tummy/ backside. start sleeping on your side-Try putting a pillow or wedge under your belly, behind your back, and between your legs while you're lying on your side.
- Buy maternity bra, I bought Marks & Spencers MB, its really comfortable.
- Listen to Shanthi path and garba sanskar music.
- Take 20mins to eat and chew slowly.
- Walk everyday morning evening for half an hr.
- Do Squats - 20 times of 3-4 different types.
- Exercise - Sit cross legged and stretch your hands out; Neck exercise, Shoulder rotation, Bust exercise of pressing the palms firmly together, Pelvic floor exercise, Pelvic lift, Forward Backward, movement of back, Ankle movement, Knee chest position by kneeling, For back balance, Side leg lift, Leg swing, Pelvic tilting
- Do breathing exercise like anlom vilom , Om chanting, Brahmi.
- Breathing- inhale more exhale less
- Yoga of - butterfly pose, tiger pose, dog pose, baby pose.
- For prevention from Cramps:-Stand on foot 6feet space- Walk on your toes- Then walk back on your heels - Walk on the outer side of the feet. Do this once before the bedtime.
For me, from 7th month my tummy started being visible, even in loose dresses can find out. I put on 10kgs by this time. Was active as regular, like used to do the daily stuff like researching, content writing, cooking, arranging cloths and utensils. Even me and my hubby arranged so many dinners and get togethers at our home.
- Realized one thing that one needs to keep eating or drinking water. One day I was hungry for a while and got bad headache because of gas, and which lead to vomiting.
- And also, donot take tension/ stress out, as it surely effects pregnancy. Like just for a day I was really worried and bad thoughts coming in my mind and you wont believe what happened the same night for me was indigestion and 4-5 loose motions. So, ladies do not take tension.
- It becomes bit difficult to sit down and especially to get up from a low lying couches is problematic.
- For me, I don't know what happened by end 7th month, I was not able to balance stuffs, things use to fall of/ disbalance from my hand.
- From almost 31 weeks, itching started, initially in tummy area, but then spread across the body in legs hands as well. Doctor asked to stop milk, nuts, egg and prawn and see if that works.
- Also, from 8th month, in my right hand, in wrist at particular area pain used to happen, especially find difficulty in catching soap while bathing and while combing hairs back side. Doc said must be tendons issue which happens in pregnancy.
Besides having these small issues, It was overall a good experience, we were positive always especially my hubby always used to motivate me by his positive words. I enjoyed my pregnancy as had great friends around me who used to care and shower their love on me.
Foods to eat:
- Do drink milk, eat cheese, curd, tofu/ paneer.
- Eat 1date daily 3-4 weeks before the delivery due date.
- Saffron should be taken only in the third trimester -2-3 kesar boiled in milk every night.
- Have Omega fatty acid food (salmon and tuna, walnuts, beans, flax seed oil, hemp seed oil, green leafy vegetables)
- To maintain Haemoglobin level - green leafy, beetroot, drumsticks.
- Atta(Wheat flour) Halwa - instead of sugar, can add gur mixed in water.
- Have lot of Vitamin C food or else take Chewable Vit C daily(lin C, Celine)
- Can apply Magnessium chloride oil.
- Take Vitamin B food(50mg)
- Best items which will increase the pigmentation are pomegranate, water melon, milk, strawberry, rose petals.
- Take plenty of water eg. nariyal pani , Coconut kernel, etc.
- Pregnant women should eat soaked peeled almonds.
- 1-2 Oranges daily in afternoon from first to eighth month of pregnancy, as rich in Vitamin C, helps in growth of a baby n also improves the baby’s skin tone.
- Consume Antioxidants rich diet- dark green leafy vegetables, tomatoes and blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries(have phytonutrients-cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower)
- Eat lot of Tomato, Avocado, Amla, Fennel seeds, Soya.
- Have tablespoon of home made butter/ghee daily in last month of pregnancy.
- Have healthy snacks like steamed/ boiled sprouts, boiled potatoes, carrot, cucumber, fruits, chana.
Not to do:
- No Grapes(not in last phase)
Prepare your Delivery Bag:
What I found was that every location or country have different provisions. So, the below list is as per Malaysia/ India what I got to know from my own experience, friends and midwives:
- Your check in and check out cloths, towel, undergarments, sanitiser, Dettol; paste, brush, comb, facewash, soap/body wash, sampoo, lipbalm/vaseline, face cream, body cream, water wipes, makeup wipes, phone, charger, wallet, Hair tie, pillow, mothercare organic/ lansinoh nipple cream, soft robe, socks, slip on slippers, going out outfit, stall, sanitary bag.
- Mothercare/ H&M Nursing dress/bra
- Maternity Pad;
- Maternity disposable panties;
- Lansinoh brand-Nursing pads,
- Lalabu soothe shirt;
- For partner - cloth, towel, brush paste cream, pillow, bedsheet, snacks(if nt provided)
- All your pregnancy related medical reports/ History.
For baby:
- Mittens and booties
- Cap
- Cloth prefer front open ones and rompers
- Swaddle wrap
- Diapers
- Baby wipes
In last month or 15days before due date, breast preparation for feeding can be done. With dry towel, clean tip of the nipples, dry scabs may fall off, that's ok. Hold both nipple as you hold cigarette between your forefinger and middle, now draw it in and out or forward and backward around 20-40times. Hold it lightly. You might have few drops. Wipe off and apply any natural oil(Ghee/ coconut/ groundnut oil) on the nipple and aerola.
Labour and delivery:-
In 9th month when baby is in head down position- to kind of fix baby's head engagement down, instead of squatting - sit with your knee bent and couple of cushions on one's calves, with bit forward tilt.
Contractions -
- If less than 34 weeks, and 6 contractions/hour then contact doctor.
- From 28-36weeks, If pain more than every 10minutes - Try relaxation, walking, eating, putting your feet up.
- Contraction after 36weeks and every 3-5minutes and is very painful then head towards hospital.
Many a times the pain is false that obviously you won't get to know. Like for me, during my due date week I started having pains at night which continued for 4-5 days, so visited my doctor
Kick counts -
- After 28weeks -If the baby isn’t moving. Hopefully your doctor has gone over kick counts with you, but if not – eat a light meal and drink two glasses of ice water and then lay down to see if the baby moves. If you go more than two hours with less than 10 movements, call your doctor .
- If you have a headache that won’t go away - Four Giant glasses of water, still doesn’t go call the doctor.
- If your water breaks, you need to head in to the hospital .
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