Daily Habits for an Improved Lifestyle

  1. Practice conscious breathing - Breathe in through nose, hold that inhale to count of 10 and exhale. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Chew more slowly - Chewing 25 times per bite helps cultivate mindful eating.
  3. Sip warm lemon water. Eat Salad, Nuts, Green leafy, Berries, Yogurt and whole grain daily.
  4. Apply Sunscreen - Use SPF 30 which is Sweat and water resistant and has Zinc oxide in it.
  5. Take movement breaks - Stretch your leg, hand and body. For every hour of sitting, be mobile.
  6. Fix your Posture - Sit straight and Do Squats.
  7. Take off your shoes -Sometimes walk barefoot.
  8. Dry brush your skin - your feet and body once a week for sometime to remove dead cells.
  9. Set an intention - 'Ask yourself what are you aiming to achieve'. Have a Goal.
  10. Express Gratitude - Write/ Think positive things about yourself, people around and your life
