
Since Ages, from decades Meditation has existed. Be it any religion that are created on this earth and the differences that came out from various religions, but after all it's one "HUMAN", it's their "BODY SOUL", and the HUMAN BODY that comes first.
Meditation is the practice that unites your body to the soul. Either you believe in God or not, it's 100% up to you, meditation has nothing to you with it. Meditation is the state of mind. It's a practice of your thoughts. Atheists or Theists both are equally benefited from mediation. It is mainly turning your attention away from distracting thoughts and focusing on the present moment or 'whatever is positive'.
I just love doing meditation and do practice it. Am sure, you too want your peace of mind!! Isn't it! I have known many an individual’s practicing meditation and telling about its benefits. Either you take old granny or parents or a child or a corporate trainer or a Physical trainer or the Priests or monks- no one is left out from doing this. Anyone can do mediation either you are wealthy or poor; healthy or ill - everyone should practice meditation.
In one word if I say Meditation is "mindfulness". It is the approach to train the mind and the refreshment for your brain. It is the practice of turning your attention to a single point of reference. One can learn how to transform our mind from negative to positive, from disturbed to peaceful, from unhappy to happy.
Tik tik..., Bla bla.... I have a wandering mind, if I am sitting ideal, so many thoughts just flow in my mind including negative and positive, all kind of crazy thoughts. My mind is very active and it just can’t take rest without any thought processing in it. :P It's very difficult for me to sit for hours and think of nothing or have an “empty mind.” In fact, once an expert also said me that seems you are a very enthusiast and anxious person.
I learnt mediation long back when I was in 9th std. in my SSSVV school in New Delhi, India. My warden was from an Army background and a very strict though cheerful colonel. He used to make us girls get up early morning at 5:30 am for the Suprabatham prayer and then ask us to close our eyes, take few deep breath and then narrate a very positive beautiful story that we have to imagine in our mind. After finishing the story, we used to chant OM mantra thrice and rub our palms to each other and keep on our eyes and then slowly open our eyes. Woww.... that calm, pleasurable feeling used to be so refreshing.

I personally have known few priests and a monk who sit for hours/ days and they meditate. No doubt, it is seen in there nature and the softness with which they speak. A monk I have known practices meditation for months. He meditates in this small home (kutia), many a times he meditates for long months in Jungle/ on mountains.
Sit down or on the straight chair with cross legged and straight back/spine posture, with palms resting on your lap, relax your shoulder and close your eyes and breathe naturally and Do meditation at least for 15 mins - 1 hr to reap benefits out of it. Try to find a quiet area while doing meditation.
You can choose your own technique that how you want to do meditation as per your comfort. Many a times, you can allow your thoughts to wander and then later on think about it that what all your thoughts was actually all about. This is kind of Mindfulness mediation. There are different forms benefits of meditation.
Initially to start mediation can be very boring and I have known many of my relatives and friends who are lazy to meditate. So, as a beginner, you can join classes or groups of people who do meditation; or at your home/ balcony/ garden itself set a corner place with few nice cushions, yoga mats, candles that may increase your eager or interest to do mediation regularly. In this busy modern world, you won't get time, but then the benefit of Meditation is that you can do anytime, in any comfortable cloth.
Few simple things that I follow is whenever I am free, I sit down cross legged on the Yoga mat/Carpet with straight body posture and palms resting on my lap and start with:
  1. focusing on my breath- slowly inhale and exhale
  2. concentrate on bodily sensations,
  3. Concentrate on a word like "OM" and it's positivity in the universe.
  4. speak out a phrase known as a "mantra"
  5. Imagine a positive beautiful story that should reduce all your stress/ burden.

You may also:
  1. Listen to audio

Meditation helps you understand and control your mind. So, Try and see the magic J
