Places to visit nearby Deoghar
Places Near around Baidyanathdham Deoghar Baidhyanathdham Deoghar is a beautiful small city based in Jharkhand state of India. There are few places to go around Deoghar for 2-3days. Basukinath Basukinath is located 43km from B.Deoghar. The pilgrimage of Deoghar is considered to be incomplete without paying homage to Basukinath temple. Famous for Shiva temple. Rikhia Yogasharam It is very famous for Yoga and place of spiritual practice of Swami Satyananda Saraswati. He came to Rikhia in September, 1989 and bagan long and arduous sadhanas like 'Panchagni' the ritual of five fires. Many a tourists specially come to Rikhia to learn and practice Yogasanas. Massanjore Dam This place is just amazing with broad river and mountains. It's 98 km from Deoghar, across the Mayurakshi River, in Dumka district. It was commissioned in 1956. The dam is 155 ft high and 2170 ft long, it has a huge reservoir with great storage capacity. Get your own vehicle...